San Juan Int'l Billfish Tournament

  • pin Club Nautico de San Juan, Puerto Rico
  • 89° / 83° 89° / 83°


Around the world, the International is recognized for the abundance of blue marlin just 20 minutes off the North coast of San Juan; its fabulous and classy prizes; the most exclusive visiting group of anglers from the world; four days of extraordinary fishing; and last but not least, the excellence and hospitality of its people that has set this world-class event apart from the rest.

Since deep waters surround Puerto Rico, it is highly possible to find a majestic blue somewhere around the Island’s shores, although high season is in July, August, and September, near full moon periods. Puerto Rico has achieved a worldwide place among the game fishing connoisseurs. They recognize the Island’s potential, especially on the “Billfish Pass”, better known as “Blue Marlin Alley”, a natural geological trench about a mile and a half off the North coast of San Juan, and where at depths of only 100 fathoms a blue marlin can be caught. For the most experienced anglers, Puerto Rico is a paradise for blue marlin fishing because when they talk about catching a big specimen, it is one of the best choices.


Tuesday, August 22

5:00 PM - 10:00 PM Registration and Sponsor Cocktails

Wednesday, August 23

12:00 PM Captains' & Mates' Luncheon

12:00 PM - 1:30 PM Captains' & Mates' Meeting

12:00 PM - 3:30 PM Late Intl. Anglers Registration

3:00 PM IGFTOs' Meeting

4:30 PM Anglers' Meeting

6:00 PM Flag Ceremony & Cocktails

Thursday, August 24

6:00 AM Breakfast

7:00 AM Anglers Ready

7:15 AM Boats Depart

7:45 AM San Juan - El Morro Shoot-Out

8:00 AM Lines In

5:30 PM Lines Out

5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Dock Party

Friday, August 25

6:00 AM Breakfast

7:00 AM Anglers Ready

7:30 AM Lines In

5:30 PM Lines Out

6:30 PM - 10:30 PM Platinum Anniversary Party

Saturday, August 26

6:00 AM Breakfast

7:00 AM Anglers Ready

7:30 AM Lines In

4:30 PM Lines Out

7:00 PM - 11:00 PM Awards Ceremony & Banquet

Contact Sport Fishing Championship

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